Chris Randall

Role: Journalist, Politics
Email: Please use the contact form to contact Chris Randall.

As Syrian conflict continues, neighbors become increasingly involved

As the Syrian conflict continues to rage, international tension in the region is reaching yet another high point. Israel...

German government stalls plans for aerospace & arms merger of BAE and EADS

As British BAE and German/French aerospace and arms firms rush their plan to merge by October 10th, the German government...

FDP Calls for More Security Following Boston Bombings

Once again a terroristic attack on American soil draws consequences around the world. Following the wake of the recent...

Car Bombs rock Turkish border town Reyhanli

In what some are describing as one of the worst terrorist attacks in recent history, 2 car bombs devastated Turkish border...

How would you like your internet: free or secure?

In an ever modernizing world, the internet has taken a central role in western society. Not only as a social communication...

Serbia Moves Forward

After making negative headlines for years, the Balkan nation has at last made landmark steps to resolving the conflict...

Boston bombing painfully carves itself onto national memory

As charges are being prepared by prosecutors and the Boston police are still celebrating their effective action, the city...

Obamas new Job

As elections in the USA have drawn to a finish, rewarding incumbent President Barack Obama with a second term, a fresh...

North Korean leadership succeeds in fathers footsteps

In recent Events North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has launched an increasingly intrusive purge among North Korean military...

Japan and China disagree over the Diaoyu-Senkaku Islands

The discussion regarding ownership of and fishing rights in the East China Sea is up again, as Japan plans to solidify its...

Bavaria as a Free State?

As the Eurozone is increasingly called into question by conservative forces in many European nations, voices of dissent...

The rise of Bayernpartei

Over the last couple of months and in the light of the current crises in the European Union and the German...

September 11th, redux

Each year the date 9/11 has held a prominent place in people's memory-not only for Americans, but for many around the...

Security in Somalia

Somalia forms Parliament for the first time in 20 years After many years of civil war and infighting, Somalia has taken a...

The changing face of American Elections

Four years ago, we witnessed a change in the way elections are conducted. Instead of the simple top-down communications...